10 Years in Business!

I can’t believe it was ten years ago that I started my practice. (Where did the time go, right?). 

I’ve been in my current building (Queen Anne Space) for 8 years and adore the Queen Anne neighborhood. I love the mix of young professionals and families in this vibrant community.

I’m so grateful for all that my clients have taught me including the incredible demands of working high pressure jobs. I’ve seen the unique needs that these pressures create, and I have been pleased to see the positive impacts of mindfulness-based counseling. I’ve seen how mindfulness skills can help clients focus and find the time to really connect with their values and goals.

While Queen Anne certainly has its charms, dating in Seattle is often far from a fairy tale experience. Its so easy to think that its “just me” and I’ve loved seeing how effective it can be to help those interested in developing relationships step back and challenge this thought. ACT and mindfulness skills are incredibly helpful in discovering how to navigate our social landscape.

I have come to understand how even when you look high functioning on the outside, it’s possible to to feel rather crummy on the inside. We all deserve support even when we might be thinking our problems aren’t bad enough. The first step is often the hardest but real change is waiting.

I wouldn’t still be doing this if I didn’t love the work and the people. Thanks especially to my first clients who came back again and again even when I’m sure it showed how green I was. Thanks to all the clients who trust me to sit with their pain and hear their stories. This work is an honor and a privilege.

I hope I’m here another ten years and can’t wait to see the changes that time will bring.


Why Being “Good Enough” is Better Than Perfect…